I provided the complete hardware and firmware designs for these Heads Up Technologies avionics products in 1991. Among the things I provided were:
These products were intended to be improved versions of the earlier Heads Up Cabin Briefer product. Among these improvements were the following:
Accomplishing these various objectives was not merely a matter of
electrical design and of coding, because several significant technical
hurdles had to be overcome that affected not only these products, but also
many other product designs for years to come. In fact, the hardware,
firmware, and support software are not repackaged Heads Up Cabin Briefer
items, but are complete replacements. Here
are some of these technical highlights:
While I don't claim to be equally satisfied with the solutions to
each of these problems, a significant amount of solid work was certainly
accomplished. The field-reprogrammability was the most unsatisfactory
point, as it proved vulnerable to incompatible configurations of the numerous
PCs used by the customers and to fragility of the protocol. Nor was
it very user-friendly. On the other hand, though, the field-reprogramming
software evolved into a general-purpose remote-diagnostic program that
(in spite of the kinds of flaws mentioned) provided important services
in quite a few additional products, and within Heads Up is runs continuously
on several computers. Here's a screen-shot of a recent version of
the diagnostics program: