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here to download the current development source snapshot, or click here
for the current Windows executables.
- 02/03/09. Added a new command-line switch, "--combine-plans".
- 01/31/09.
- There is a new command-line switch, "--batch", which causes Do178Builder to simply build the DocBook output files and then exit without displaying any GUI.
- I did not realize it previously, but prior versions would not build if you have a Unicode build of wxWidgets. Such Unicode builds are much more common than they used to be—for example, they are the default on Ubuntu or Mac OS X. The code now builds correctly, I hope, with all ANSI builds of wxWidgets from 2.4 through 2.8, and with Unicode builds of wxWidgets from 2.8.4 onward.
- The 'setup_for_cross_compilation' target in the Makefile has been removed in favor of requiring installation of I'm Cross! instead, but only if you intend to build Do178Builder.exe directly from Linux. The Makefile has thus been greatly simplified in the process.
- 04/07/08.
- There is now a Win32 version of Do178Builder-utility.
- Windows executables are now cross-compiled from within my Linux working environment, so the Windows executables on the download page should be able to stay current with the development source-code snapshots in the future, rather than being months or years behind as they have been up to now. So as you may expect, the Windows executables on the download page are now up-to-date.
- The project Makefile now has a nifty target ('setup_for_cross_compilation') that can set up a Linux box with a cross-compiler toolchain for creating Windows programs, including cross-compiled versions of wxWidgets, libxml2, and PCRE.
- 04/06/08. Lots of makefile changes that shouldn't affect anyone, so there's no need to download the new snapshot just on that basis. The changes all relate to trying to cross-compile for Windows under Linux, and don't affect any functionality.
- 04/05/08.
- Web: Expanded the discussion of importing Word data into Do178Builder quite a lot, including description of a method that gives higher-quality results requiring less manual tweaking.
- Do178Builder:
- Was not correctly handling comments embedded within <docbook> tags when creating output documents—i.e., situations like <docbook> ... <!-- ... --> ... </docbook>. This has now been fixed.
- Now tolerates markup such as <?...?> when producing output files, which previously it didn't handle properly.
- Wasn't properly handling tags like <colspec ... /> and <imagedata ... /> when DocBook XML was being output.
- Added some additional workarounds for "pernicious mixed content" in table entries that can occur easily when cutting and pasted nicely indented XML into a project that's going to produce SGML.
- When templates for graphics, tables, or lists are inserted, they are now nicely indented to show their structure. Whatever could I have been thinking of not to have this before?
- Added a toolbutton to the editor for building the output documents, so that you don't have to leave the editor to do it. This is a bigger deal than it sounds like, because whenever you leave the editor and return to it later, your hierarchy has been collapsed and it's a pain to navigate back to where you were in the structure. Now this is unnecessary, so it makes it a lot easier when you're in a cycle of rapidly making changes and then building the documents to see what the effect was.
- 04/02/08. Various changes to Do178Builder itself:
- Do178Builder is now known to build with wxWidgets 2.8. (Previously, wxWidgets 2.6 was the highest version that worked.)
- If the --combine-srd-sdd and --DO-254 switches were used in combination, the combined requirements/design document produced was being named incorrectly as if it was merely the requirements document. This has been fixed.
- If DocBook-XML markup related to tables or graphics was added, (specifically, tags of the form <comspec ... /> or <imagedata ... />), the tags could be corrupted in the output documents if SGML was targeted. This has been fixed.
- "Pernicious mixed content" (specifically, line feeds occurring within <entry>...</entry> tags in a table will be automatically removed on output now to account for a limitation in DocBook parsers.
- Some DocBook-XML markup such as <para/> which isn't acceptable in DocBook-SGML is now automatically fixed on output.
- Binary-coded Unicode characters are now automatically replaced by named entities on output, if an appropriate named entity is known. For example, a binary "—" embedded in the text will automatically be replaced by "—". This prevents failure of some DocBook parsers, at least with SGML-targeted output. It also lets you deal with various special characters in a more WSIWYG way.
- All of the items above (except the first two) relate to problems I encountered when importing data from OpenOffice documents (such as MS Word formatted documents or spreadsheet data) into Do178Builder. This is an extremely useful technique that I never thought was possible before. If you're interested, read about it on the tutorial page.
- 03/24/08. Added the "{*}" feature to Do178Builder-utility, affecting the system-requirements to software-requirements trace matrix.
- 03/23/08. Various bug-fixes and feature additions to Do178Builder itself:
- The user can now always select which documents a given section belongs to, irrespective of whether or not "framework editing mode" has been activated. Not allowing this before seems to me now to have been a really dumb idea.
- There are new buttons on the editing toolbar for:
- Inserting a hyperlink to a URL.
- Inserting a footnote.
- Inserting an mdash—as in this sentence.
- Inserting a custom section or subsection; i.e., a section that isn't related to the framework template. (Another traditional omission which, in retrospect, seems rather stupid.)
- Various toolbar buttons that inserted tags or markup templates into the text were not properly setting the dataset-changed flags (which is what triggers a prompt to save the database upon exiting). This is now fixed where it occurred.
- None of the toolbar buttons that inserted markup into the text put focus on the window containing the text afterward. This is now fixed.
- Fixed the annoying bug in 'search', in which it would find the sought-for text, but then not put focus on the window containing it, so that you might not see the highlighting. (On some platforms, it was worse, in that often the search pattern would be blanked out so you couldn't even find it by eye!) Actually, it still fails to highlight occasionally, but at least it puts the cursor on the item. I'm not sure if this remaining residual problem is a bug in Do178Builder, or a bug in wxWidgets. [... This is now known to be some kind of unfortunate interaction between wxWidgets and GTK+. Not everyone experiences the problem. In my experience, it happens with wxWidgets 2.6 and 2.8 combined with GTK+ 2.8, 2.10, or 2.12, and does not occur with wxWidgets 2.4 combined with GTK+ 2.2. Do178Builder is not the only application affected. I'm not sure at the present time if there is any prospect of fixing it.]
- 03/21/08. The system-requirements to high-level requirements trace matrix produced by Do178Builder-utility now includes a column with the title of the high-level requirement document sections. This makes it much easier to use as a tool for proofing, and is easily eliminated afterward by anybody who doesn't like it.
- 03/20/08. Added a new feature to Do178Builder-utility for limiting (in some cases) the huge expansion of the system-to-software trace matrix that occurs if there is an unwanted many-to-many mapping of system requirements to software requirements. This is described on the traceability page.
- 03/19/08. All work today relates to the Do178Builder-utility program:
- Bugs have been fixed in all of the --trace-XXXX passes that would have caused inaccurate table generation in some cases.
- The --trace-verify table has been extended from 2 to 3 columns by the addition of a column giving the requirements or design document section from which the requirement being tested has been taken.
- The --DO-254 switch was so thoroughly broken that it could never have worked, so I don't know how I was making it work up to now! It is fixed now.
- There is now a command-line switch (--sortable) that modifies the section numbering somewhat to make the output trace matrices more-reasonably sortable. However, I doubt that the switch is really that useful.
- 03/18/08. Do178Builder-utility now implements --trace-design-system (traceability between system requirements and software/hardware requirements), along with associated new command-line switches.
- 03/17/08. All changes today pertain to Do178Builder-utility:
- Fixed some bugs in the operation of --trace-design-full.
- Implemented --trace-verify, and the associated switch --verify-section-range.
- Extended regular expressions are now the default, and the --regex-extended switch has been replaced by a --regex-basic switch.
- Created a preliminary page describing the Do178Builder-utility, though this is the only real link to it!
- 03/16/08.
- Added a download for the Win32 Do178Builder.exe file from the 20080310 snapshot, contributed by Chris Lambrecht. (Thanks, Chris!) Since the alternative is to build it yourself or else to use the last Win32 build I did myself (from 2006), this is obviously a recommended alternative. I believe that Chris has told me that it works on both XP and Vista, and that the previous exe file I provided doesn't work on Vista. Anyhow, this build is completely up-to-date functionally, except that the zlib functionality is disabled, which only affects some data in a disused log file (Sections.log) that it's likely nobody in the world uses anyway.
- Changed the Do178Builder source code so that it no longer relies on the zlib library. (The zlib dependence was causing problems for some people who tried to build Do178Builder in Windows. Not that there's any problem with zlib itself, just that I'm not capable of debugging the problems remotely on operating systems for which I have little interest. Thanks to Chris Lambrecht for reporting this problem.) I know that Do178Builder still works on Linux with this change, but I've not had the chance yet to test it with Windows.
- Added a utility program Do178Builder-utility, which is a post-processor for Do178Builder XML project databases that allows me to add some features without having to worry about messing up the GUI structures within Do178Builder. The principal usage at present for Do178Builder-utility is to create trace-matrix data that can be used within independent traceability-matrix documents rather than being integrated into the SRD, SDD, and SVCP documents. Do178Builder-utility is presently a Linux-only utility. (The code is probably portable, but I simply haven't worked out any of the details on how to build it on any other operating system.) At any rate, it's only partially functional as of yet, and I haven't yet included any instructions on the website for how to use it. (For anyone particularly keen to try it out, you build it with 'make utilities'; you have to have libxml2-devel installed. The command 'Do178Builder-utility --help' gives a list of available command-line switches. The switches I think are presently useful are: --trace, --trace-design, --trace-design-full, --regex-extended, --regex-case-insensitive, --low-section-range, --high-section-range, --low-label-pattern, --high-label-pattern, --low-section-pattern, --high-section-pattern, --display, --combine-srd-sdd, --no-sed, and --DO-254. The CSV files which are output—only Do178Builder-trace-design.csv and Do178Builder-trace-design-full.csv presently—can be pulled into any spreadsheet program, or probably into other types of programs, and sorted or otherwise manipulated in lots of ways.) My next task is to implement the --trace-verify switch, and then I'll follow that with the --trace-system and --trace-implement switches.
- Added some notes to the developer page concerning the possibility that Do178Builder XML project databases may not necessarily be legal XML, and how to process them simply to make them legal.
- Just for my own purposes, here's a to-do list for things I want to do in Do178Builder in the very near future, but haven't tried to accomplish yet:
- Add buttons to the toolbar for: Inserting <ulink> templates; inserting <footnote>templates; inserting "—" entities. (Implemented!)
- Make it possible to modify the assignment of sections to documents without entering framework-modification mode. (Implemented!)
- Make it possible to add document sections without entering framework-modification mode. (Implemented!)
- Add some way to reference document sections without knowing specific section numbers. In other words, there would be some kind of marker you could add to a section (which, say, would be section 4.1 in the SRD and in the SDD), and then some other kind of marker that you could use to refer to it in other sections (which would turn into "section 4.1" within the SRD and "SDD section" within the SDD).
- And something similar to the above for figures and tables.
- Fix the bug wherein after a 'search' the found text isn't always highlighted properly. (Implemented!)
- 03/12/08.
- The customized XSL stylesheet used for conversion of DocBook XML when using the XMLmind XSL-FO converter program now forms a proper XSL customization layer. In other words, you no longer need to edit the stylesheets that come with the converter program. To this end, the 'fo' directory of butchered Converter stylesheets has been eliminated from the development snapshot, and a single cusomization file Do178Builder.xsl has been provided instead. The instructions for usage have changed, but correct instructions are still to be found in the README file. Also:
- This stylesheet has also been made slightly more compatible with the DSSSL stylesheets, in that the corporation name now appears on the title page of the document.
- Some useful non-Do178Builder features have been added, in the form of tags <?hard-pagebreak?>, <long-ulink>, and <long-string> which can be used within the Do178Builder database files. These tags, respectively, insert a page break, allow line-breaks within URLs in hyperlinks, and allow line-breaks within long strings such as long filenames. These are described on the DocBook page.
- A 2nd optional layer of XSL stylesheet customizations has also been provided in the form of a file called MyCustomization.xsl. This file provides some additional formatting flourishes that depart from the DSSSL stylesheets, and can be used as a model for adding your own customizations. The instructions for usage are in the README file.
- 03/10/08.
- Additional fixes to the XSL stylesheets used for conversion of DocBook XML when using the XMLmind XSL-FO converter program:
- Elimination of header and footer on the title page.
- Elimination of some warning messages during conversion.
- Some trouble-shooting fixes added to the description of converting DocBook XML on the DocBook page, including the following:
- Workaround for broken db2pdf/db2rtf/etc. on Fedora Core 5 systems (and maybe others).
- Workaround for inop XMLmind XSL-FO converter on Fedora systems.
- 03/08/08.
- When you insert a graphic using Do178Builder, the DocBook code that's inserted is compatible with DocBook 3.1 SGML, but is not compatible with DocBook 4.x XML because no </imagedata> closing tag is inserted. Do178Builder now compensates for this by automatically adding the closing tag (if it is missing) when creating DocBook XML output. Thanks to Chris Lambrecht for pointing out this problem and tracking down a fix for it!
- Added the "--no-productname" switch for Do178Builder. This can be used to eliminate a ™ symbol which sometimes appears on the title page and in page headers, without having to edit the stylesheet. (The default behavior of the program hasn't changed, so if you're getting this trademark symbols and like them, you won't be affected adversely.)
- Also thanks to a hint by Chris Lambrecht, I've finally been able to add some instructions—and pretty simple ones, too!—for converting DocBook to PDF, RTF, etc. on Windows systems. Yay!
- 01/30/08. Do178Builder mods:
- It turns out that some of the support added for DocBook XML has the effect of causing the program to hang if you have unterminated tags within a <docbook>...</docbook> block. Yikes! That has been fixed.
- Also, the program now prints some helpful messages when unterminated tags are encountered, or the potential for overflowing the LaTeX processor is noticed. These messages are normally seen only when you run the program from the command line, so if you run the program from a desktop icon, you may want to select the icon option "run from terminal" (or whatever the equivalent is on your computer). The console messages in general have been cleaned up to make them easier to read, although they still could use some work.
- 01/29/08. As time goes on, we keep encountering documents that have greater and greater amounts of text within individual document-sections, so that the hardcoded limits within Do178Builder have to keep being increased. In today's snapshot, this buffer is allocated and resized dynamically, so the hard limit on document-section size has been removed.
- 01/27/08.
- Now supports DocBook v4.1.2, v4.2, v4.3, and v4.4, in addition to the v4.5 support added earlier, as I noticed that v4.5 isn't yet available (for example) in Cygwin.
- When creating documents, now detects the symbols '&' and '<' within a <programlisting>, and automatically converts them to "&" and "<" where necessary. This was something you could often get away with in SGML, but never works in XML.
- 01/26/08.
- Fixed a bug in the "--combine-srd-sdd" feature, in which the identification of the SRD/SDD document version didn't appear on the title page.
- Added the optional ability to output DocBook v4.5 XML rather than DocBook v3.1 SGML. This should make things a lot easier for Windows users, if there are any out there, since the Windows-based versions of DocBook I've seen only support DocBook XML, and don't support v3.x. See the description of the "--x45" switch on the tutorial page.
- 01/25/08. Do178Builder has several new command-line switches ("--no-forward-trace", "--no-trace", and "--combine-srd-sdd") for helping to eliminate certain types of traceability references, or for easily producing a combined SRD/SDD document. So far, this is in the development snapshot of the source code only.
- 07/09/06. There are now the beginnings of a sample DO-254 project. Made a small addition to the DocBook stylesheet.
- 07/08/06. When documents are built, the status messages now correctly relate to either DO-178B or DO-254 as appropriate, rather than just assuming DO-178B.
- 07/06/06.
- The file-locking feature added yesterday worked in Windows XP, but (it turns out) not in Windows 98. This is now fixed.
- The "--no-resize-workaround" command-line switch has been added.
- Fixed some boilerplate text in the DO-254 template that had some wrong </docbook> tags.
- I saw Do178Builder spontaneously exit once (in RedHat 7.3) when building a DO-254 document set. It didn't happen again, even though I used the same database. *Sigh!*
- 07/05/06.
- Fixed truncation issue on some platforms with the displayed names of the DO-178B/254 documents in the editing window.
- Added file-locking to the Win32 version of Do178Builder. The Win32 version is now feature-identical to the Linux version. However, if you have been using the Win32 version, you won't have been running the lock-server, and therefore will now need to either run the lock server (and add the -s=IpAddress command-line switch) or else explicitly disable the file-locking (with the -l=0 command-line switch). As usual, please realize that I work with Linux mainly, so the Win32 version of the program has received only the most superficial checking.
- I needed to mod the lock-server's client software to get it working in Windows. As a consequence, Do178Builder now includes a complete copy of the (modified) source code for OLD v0.16. This simplifies building from source, since it's no longer necessary to download the lock-server source code.
- 07/04/06. Now builds with wxWidgets 2.6.x and gcc 4.x. Still builds with wxWidgets 2.4.x using either gcc 3.x or gcc 4.x. This means it now builds again with systems such as SuSE 10. Although I had a horrific time figuring it out (again!), I've also made it build in Win32.
- 07/03/06. The "search" feature has finally been implemented. Some new traceability and test-identification items and boilerplate have been added to the DO-178B template.
- 07/02/06. There are loads and loads of useful new features and under-the-hood improvements, and even a broken item or two.
- Do178Builder can now be used for DO-254 documentation. Just use the command-line switch "--DO-254". This will cause a DO-254 database template (".template254.xml") to be used, and will alter the user-interface and document-builds to reference DO-254 documents rather than DO-178B documents.
- Under Tools on the main menu, there are now commands "Prune to Level B", "Prune to Level C", and "Prune to Level D". These commands remove all of the database items that pertain to a higher assurance level. This is useful to make the database look less busy, but also to help you avoid wasting time on objectives that aren't pertinent at the assurance level you're working under. When you prune, all levels of parents are displayed in red if a child has been pruned.
- There are now hot-buttons for "Insert list", "Insert table", and "Insert graphic". These are mini-wizards that let you directly insert DocBook templates for lists, tables, and graphics into your text, without having to memorize DocBook commands, or keeping a DockBook reference manual in front of you.
- There is now a navigation feature that lets you select a particular DO-178B (or DO-254) document type, and just navigate forward or backward through the database to the items related to the chosen document type. This sounds like a silly little feature, but it makes maintaining the database enormously easier since you only work on a specific document type at any given time.
- When you open a database, you can now open it in a "read-only" mode that doesn't allow you to Save it (but does allow you to Save-as). This is useful if multiple developers are working with the same database. It is still true that only one developer change the database, but other developers can view the database in read-only mode (which was not possible previously). Thanks to Dan Lydick for this suggestion.
- When working with program code --- such as s=&c; --- developers usually wouldn't know that the '&' character had to be replaced by "&", and would then be mysteriously caught by DocBook error messages when creating the docs. The hot-buttons for marking up text as code now recognize this situation, and automatically replace '&' by "&".
- The search feature is still not implemented, so I've finally grayed-out its hot-buttons.
- When you load a database, the "applicability by assurance level" and "control-category" settings are automatically adjusted so that parent items have at least as high an applicability and control category as each child item. This is not only logically correct, but is needed to assure the correct behavior of the new "pruning" functions. Items which have been adjusted are displayed in green.
- Automatic insertion of traceability references has been improved in a variety of ways:
- The template now has test cases for high-level requirements. (Previously, I only had test cases for low-level requirements.)
- The template has added default tracebility references from system requirements to high-level software requirements, and from low-level requirements to source code. (Previously, you had to do this yourself, if you wanted it. Now the references are there as "TBD", and you have to either fill them in or delete them.
- Traceability is now shown between high-level requirements and their test cases. (Preivously, this was automatic only for test cases of low-level requirements.)
- Traceability references are now output more attractively.
- The templates have been polished up in other ways, with improved hints, boiler-plate text, and so on.
- I was under the impression --- though I don't see any reference to it below --- that Do178Builder was broken with respect to wxDesigner, so that editing the GUI with wxDesigner would destroy the font-size option. If so, this is now fixed, and wxDesigner can be used again.
- ... But, I can't get Do178Builder to build in Win32. Nor can I get it to build in SuSE 10. My impression is that it won't build with any version of wxWidgets higher than 2.4.x (I use 2.4.1 and 2.4.2), nor will it build with gcc except the 3.x series (I use 3.3.2 and 3.2.3). I am increasingly sorry that I used wxWidgets rather than gtk+, because every time I turn around compatibility is broken in some mysterious, undocumented way.
- 06/26/06. The stylesheet recommendations on the DocBook page have been changed to improve the table of contents and to correct the default graphics format (from eps to jpg). On the Tutorial page, the explanation of how to generate marked-up versions of document changes has been expanded to include MS-Word rather than just OpenOffice.
- 12/17/05. I haven't made any code changes, but I've discovered a great way to do change tracking, similarly to the way it's done, for example, in Microsoft Word. In other words, you can select any two versions of a document created by Do178Builder, and automatically get added text underlined, deleted text struck out, and change bars in the margins. Check it out!
- 06/21/05. Given that I and my minions are getting older, and our eyes are getting weaker, it seemed time to make the font-size used in Do178Builder adjustable. There is now a command-line parameter (-f) that can be used to adjust the size. The default size is -f=10. The screenshot at right is with -f=18; click to enlarge it to decide for yourself if it's worth the trouble of upgrading. (Hint: It is worth it.) Various other readability improvements have been made as well (in the editing window and in the document check-boxes). I haven't tried building it on any platform but Linux (RedHat 7.3, Fedora Core 1, and SuSE 9.0), so your mileage may vary.
- 05/02/04. Took care of problem reports #46 and #47, hopefully, having to do with problems in file-locking.
- 04/26/04. Do178Builder now has file-locking, based on Alberto Bertogli's Open Lock Daemon ("old").
- 04/17/04. Added the "tr" hot-button and the <trace> tags. Explanation of this feature has been added to the tutorial. There have also been some updates to .template.xml which cause some slight imcompatibilities with existing databases. The principal change is that multiple test cases may be created for any given low-level requirement. It's not absolutely necessary to modify your database to make it compatible with the new .template.xml, but I'd suggest doing so anyway, as follows: Edit your XML database in a text editor; do a search-and-replace to change all occurrences of "Test_Case" to "TBD_Test_Case"; visually inspect your test cases for any obvious problem caused by the editing.
- 03/28/04. Added the ability to recognize filerefs in raw DocBook commands, so as to copy external files into the output directory.
- 03/28/04. Fixed PR#43, which was that File/New had never been implemented.
- 03/28/04. Fixed PR#26, which prevented a complete sub-tree being created for a new item. The odd thing about this is that all of the correct code was in place, but enough was commented out to make sure that only the first child of any given item actually appeared. I suspect it was done deliberately, but I don't know why.
- 03/27/04. The Do178Builder tutorial has been pepped up somewhat including, in particular, some helpful stuff about using raw DocBook commands.
- 03/26/04. Added the ability for the text to contain arbitrary DocBook commands. That allows the sophisticated user to add lists, tables, inline figures, or any other feature supported by DocBook. This is accomplished by encapsulating the DocBook commands with the <DocBook> tag, as in "<DocBook>...arbitrary DocBook commands...</DocBook>". There's also a hot-button for adding the <DocBook> tags. Some minor template fixes have also been made.
- 11/12/03. During Do178Builder SGML builds, the project XML file is now automatically duplicated, to allow for use later during change tracking. The inability to build Do178Builder under Win32, presumably broken in August's mods, has now been worked around.
- 11/10/03. There is now an 'install' target the Linux makefile. The program and the document template now allow for individual document names and document numbers. When outputting SGML, the documents are placed in a directory named like "ProjectName-Date.documents", rather than just "ProjectName.documents" as previously; however, the earlier behavior can be restored with the "-o" command-line switch. Furthermore, during SGML output, graphics files (for figures) are copied into the output directory instead of expecting to be used from their original locations. Finally, during SGML output, a file called Sections.log is created; this file maps SGML sections (in the output files) to XML sections (in the project database); furthermore, it contains checksums for all of the text fields. Sections.log is very useful in tracking document changes, since a simple `diff' of the Sections.log files for two versions of the document now allows a complete determination of all changes, and provides a way of tracking them back to the XML file.
- Now depends on zlib, though, for the crc32 function.
- 10/28/03. Did a fairly major rewrite of the "DO-178B for Dummies" page, to add explanations about opening FAA projects, STCs, PMA, and so forth.
- 08/07/03. On this website, references to all of the previously planned sample projects (libBirds, etc.) and their roadmap have been expunged as being impossible to qualify.
- 08/07/03. All of the following changes relate to Do178Builder: Now works with wxGTK 2.4 (in Linux), and so looks somewhat prettier. A bug in which the program crashes randomly if the editor dialog is expanded past 1280x1024 (in Linux) has been "fixed" (by preventing the expansion of the dialog's window); the -x and -y command-line switches have been added to allow overriding this limitation. The text-editor control within the editor dialog now uses a fixed-width font instead of a variable-width font, where the operating environment supports it, to make working with code fragments easier. The editor dialog now attempts to maximize itself (within the limits mentioned above) rather than opening up at its minimum size. Hot-buttons for several commonly-used types of markup (particularly emphasis and code) have been added to avoid the need for explicitly using the markup drop-down list every time. The operation of the -p command-line switch has been modified so that the program actually does a chdir to the specified directory; I hope this doesn't break anything. Various fixups have been made to .template.xml, and I hope that doesn't break anything.
- 05/18/02. Comments about uC/OS altered, in response to reader feedback.
- 04/18/02. No actual software change, but a zipfile of as-is sample life-cycle docs added to FTP site.
- 04/08/02. Fixed compilation (but not linker) errors in wxWindows 2.3.2 and Do178Builder.
- 03/01/02. References to FAA notice 8110.97 were added to various pages.
- 02/25/02. Sample PSAC and Do178Builder dataset for Red Hat newlib added.
- 02/25/02. Numerous website changes, including addition of development snapshot.
- 02/25/02. Fixed problem report #19 (bad <ForeignPhrase> markup).
- 02/25/02. Fixed problem report #25 (bad title-page graphic).
- 02/21/02. [20020219 release.] This is the initial public release. It's very preliminary, but still usable.
- 02/19/02. Assembled materials for an initial release.
- 02/18/02. Fixed problem report #12 (CC and document buttons not redrawn in Win32).
- 02/18/02. Fixed problem report #13 (markup-addition failure in Win32).
- 02/17/02. Built first Win32 and Linux-Intel versions of Do178Builder.
- 02/17/02. Fixed problem report #5 (cannot specify XML file on command line).
- 02/17/02. Fixed problem report #8 (editing dialog not resizable).
- 02/17/02. Fixed problem report #1 (incorrect treatment of '&', '<', '>' on reading XML).