Frequently Asked
Questions |
What's with the whimsical graphic?
This is an image of the painting Bird Man, courtesy
of artist Lynn Rothan. It seems appropriate not only because of
bird-related imagery, but also because the Bird Man appears to be
-- and dropping the balls he's juggling. That's a lot like what
with a shoot-from-the-hip approach to DO-178B. If you like the
check out Lynn Rothan's website.
Why "Birds Project"?
Well, birds are free and birds fly. And, I suppose,
soft. Hence, free software for flight.
What does Birds Project software cost?
It's free software, licensed to you under an appropriate
license. The particular license varies by item, but the Do178Builder program is licensed
under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Why are your DO-178B documents so darned big?
I don't think they are, really. The sample libBirds PSAC
document is large (41 pages) because the document itself is
under the GNU FDL and the fictitious software being discussed is
under the GNU LGPL. Pages 25-41 of the sample PSAC are simply
copies of these two licenses.
How come Do178Builder development is so slow?
I've now used Do178Builder for several initial
releases of airborne firmware at level C, and for subsequent changes to
that firmware. There are plenty of wish-list items for the
program, but experience shows that it works well enough for me, and for
those developers unlucky enough to be under my influence, so
working on Do178Builder isn't
at the top of my priority list. Volunteers are welcome.
I'll happily tell you about my wish-list if you email me.
Who am I, and Why am I Doing This?
My name is Ron Burkey, and I've designed aviation hardware
and firmware since 1984. I've also had to produce a lot of
documentation. I don't like it. I figure that a lot of
people don't like it either. On the very slim chance that
want to know more about me, personally, you can click
This page was last modified by Ron Burkey on
Contact the Birds Project.