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On this page, we try to present all of the Christian songs Sandy wrote, in whatever forms we have found them. To view/print the files that are presented in PDF format, you may need to download the free Acrobat Reader program. Some of the songs may also be available in formats not listed below, such as Microsoft Word format. Check the FTP site if you're interested in other formats.Except where stated, all music and words are by Sandy Aslesen.
Song title and Sandy's comments
(in alphabetical order, by title) |
only |
tablature (PDF) |
recording (MP3) |
Bread of God: I am Yours!*
Written 9/4/95 ... you are the Father's gift to Jesus (John. 6), and He is committed to you. He is faithful even when we aren't. |
2K | 36K | 4:18, 2.0M |
1999 |
Everyone Thinks
Written 6/27/96 when someone said, "I just can't talk to anyone." And knowing how prevalent this problem is in the body of Christ. |
3K | TBD | TBD |
Everything I do
Written 4/9/96. |
1K | TBD | TBD |
Father of Us All**
Written 1996. |
2K | TBD | 1:42, 0.8M |
For the First Time*
Written early '91 ... if we walk in the light (honesty & transparency), we can have true fellowship with each other, otherwise we can't. "Sandy, be real!" |
2K | 4K | 5:27, 2.5M |
God be Gracious to Us*
Written 1/10/96 (just before recording this tape) after asking the Lord for a "New Year's Song". He wants us to ask for His blessings, not to be used selfishly, but to make known His salvation among every nation. Also a blessing song for my first tape. |
1K | 4K | 3:58, 1.9M |
He's Still Calling You
Written 1989. |
3K | 22K | TBD |
I am Committed to You*
Written Fall, '90 for a friend who was moving. Recently the Lord has shown me that He wants me to be committed to others' success in the callings He's placed on their lives; to do all I can to help them succeed. |
2K | 4K | 3:32, 1.6M |
I See You in Your Glory
Written July 1, 1996 in response to the Holy Spirit revealing Jesus as King in His pre-incarnate form as described in Is. 6... I see the Lord, seated on the throne. And the train of His robe fills the temple with glory! And the whole earth is filled with His glory. And in 2 Chr. 18:18 I saw the Lord sitting on His throne, and all the host of heaven standing on his right hand and on His left...I also thought about Jesus as the Exalted King as mentioned in Revelation Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God!...they fell down and worshiped God who is seated on the throne.... I've just begun to know Jesus as King...forever exalted...it just amazes me to think of it being the person of Jesus sitting on the throne! Praise Jesus! for His work in causing us to know Him. |
3K | 4K | TBD |
1997 |
Let's Lift His Name Up High*
Written 4/23/95...watching the horror of the bombing in O.K. City and realizing that even in the most tragic circumstances (when there are more questions than answers), the Name of Jesus must still be exalted. |
1K | 4K | A: 2:27, 1.1M |
The Lighthouse*
Written 9/1/95 ... don't ignore the warning signs like I did. Be steadfast and immovable...establish your heart to follow God. Purpose to be "sold-out the whole-route"! |
Lord We Need a Touch*
... a prayer written Spring '94 after talking with a friend about our desire to see the Holy Spirit do a revealing work in the church. May we not be content with the "status quo" of today's "christianity", but reach higher toward the mark of the high calling. |
1K | 4K | 2:17, 1.0M |
Mercy New Every Morning*
Written 9/95. Realizing His love just a little bit more. Recently God used this song to snap me out of a temper-tantrum I was having while driving to church (to lead worship, no less!). As the part where the Father cries "Child!" came on, I felt the Lord say, "Stop and realize what you're doing. You're speeding. You're furious. You feel far from me and don't care. You're in sin. Now, realize that even in this condition, I love you dearly and I want you to come to Me." |
2K | 4K | 3:43, 1.7M |
Precious Child*
Written 5/17/95 ... I am here, child, all is well.. We are pulled in many directions but it can strengthen us if we abide in Christ. I had a choice to make, me or Him. He's blessed when we choose Him. |
1K | 4K | 2:04, 1.0M |
This I Know: God is for Me!*
Written 4/10/95 ... He wants us to know He's on our side. Sometimes it seems like it's us against Him, but it never is if we're His. (from Ps.56) |
1K | 4K | 4:13, 1.9M |
The Thought of You**
2000 |
We Are Ever Praising You
Written 2/5/96. |
2K | TBD | TBD |
We Are One
Written 2/28/96 for David & Samara Brennan's wedding. |
1K | 12K | TBD |
You are the Love I Need*
Written 3/95 ... just a song for Jesus. |
1K | 4K | 2:47, 1.3M |
You Will Always be Exalted! *
Written 4/29/95. "I count everything loss in order to know Jesus Christ." Do I? Will I? Let us not allow any hindrances to come between us and our Lord and when they do, let us quickly rid ourselves of them. May God give us such a deep revelation of Himself and His love for us that we allow no one and no thing to even come near His place in our hearts. This song is my declaration that I have purposed in my heart to sing for my God forever. His grace is enough for us. |
1K | 4K | 2:45, 1.3M |
Songs marked with * or ** above are available for purchase in album form. Typically, those albums contain additional songs not written by Sandy and therefore not offered on this website.The songs marked with * are studio recordings available on the cassette or CD, You Will Always Be Exalted (1996). Here's what Sandy had to say about this album:
"Most of the songs on this tape came to me as `songs in the night' ... songs that came when I was struggling, failing, needy, and so on. I'm thankful to God for these songs, yet today I'm anticipating a new song with new life. He'll give you songs, too. Just ask Him and wait and see what He does! Perhaps it's just what I need to hear.The songs marked with ** are live worship-service recordings available on the CD, Calvary Chapel Worship 1."Thanks for letting me share my life with you. Sandy."
Those co-writers mentioned in the table above have graciously allowed their work to appear here.Additionally, many singers and other musicians appear on the recorded forms of the songs. It's difficult to reproduce in any complete way the list of all of these friends, or to pinpoint their specific contributions. (Perhaps this can be done later.) For now, we hope it suffices to print a list of everybody we can identify, in alphabetical order. If I've stupidly omitted your name and you've been involved in these recordings, let me know!
Contributers to the recordings: ... , Bruce Adams (recording), Laura Ahle (vocals), Jeff Aslesen (percussion, vocals), Sandy Aslesen (producer, lead vocals, guitar, keyboard, etc.), Michele Dryden (vocals), Jon Hankins (keyboard, bass, vocals), Jenny Kidwell (vocals), Sharina Buharbaeva (violin), ...